Sunday, March 22, 2015

"Imagine a place where nothing is impossible"

Here's two things you wouldn't think would go together: Disney and George Clooney–but it's happening my friends. If you've gone to the movies recently, then you've probably seen the teaser trailer for Disney's upcoming film Tomorrowland. 

The film shares its name with the science fiction themed land within Disneyland itself. In case you're not familiar with it, Tomorrowland (the park, not the film) includes attractions such as Space Mountain, Star Tours, and Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters. Both the park and the film are based off futuristic societies, except in the film, Tomorrowland is an entirely different dimension.

The plot for Tomorrowland is as follows: "Bound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory as "Tomorrowland.""
(Source: IMDb)

The cast is absolutely star studded. The biggest stars in this movie would obviously be, as I said before, George Clooney as Frank Walker, the former boy-genius, and Hugh Laurie, who you will likely remember from the TV show House, who plays David Nix, the main antagonist of the film who kicked the young Frank out of Tomorrowland all those years ago. Last but not least, the film's heroine, Casey Newton, is played by Britt Robertson, who made her debut in The Ghost Club and is also in the TV show Under the Dome as Angie McAlister. 

Tomorrowland, according to Disney's second Tomorrowland trailer (link:, is "...a place where the best and brightest in the world came together to change it." This trailer gives us the most insight into the plot of the movie so far. We learn, as shown in the quote above, the reason why Tomorrowland was created in the first
place and we can also infer a few things about Casey, for instance, a rebellious vibe, as we first see her being released from a jail of some sort, but we can also assume that she is quite intelligent, as she is one of few that can actually visit Tomorrowland. We can definitely see how Casey possesses a capability that others don't when she grabs the pin and can see the future while still somehow being in the present, but when her father (Fun Fact: to add to the elite cast, Tim McGraw plays her father) grabs the pin and it has no effect on him.

I don't know about y'all, but I am ridiculously pumped to see this movie. I can't wait to see the way they adapt the pieces of the park itself in to the film. Making a movie like this based off of one of the parks to me is like creating a movie from the pieces of Walt Disney's imagination itself. I can not wait to see the way they use the modern animation to bring his ideas to life in a was that Walt could only dream of.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Do You Believe In Magic?

Alright. I'm doing something a little different this week so I hope y'all like it :)

Now if you didn't already know, two days ago, Friday March 13 (I know. So scary), the new live action Cinderella movie came out.

So naturally, I went to see it last night so that I could tell you guys all about it, with as little spoilers as possible, of course. And let me just say, it was magical. 

I must say, I don't think they could've picked a better cast. We have Lily James, who you may remember for her role as Korrina in Wrath of the Titans, as Cinderella, Richard Madden, from Game of Thrones, as The Prince, none other than Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother, who is best know for her role in Harry Potter as Bellatrix LeStrange and also her MANY roles in various Tim Burton movies, and last, and certainly not least, the wonderful Cate Blanchett as the Stepmother. And in case you don't remember who she is, here you go. I guarantee you do. 

In my opinion, they couldn't have picked a better person to play the Stepmother. Not only does she have the perfect look, she also has that cold grace and elegance and is the perfect embodiment of the Stepmother. Now, in the original movie, the Stepmother appears to be nothing but a cold hearted gold digger, which to some extent she still is, but the new movie adds an element to her that I don't think any of us expected. I don't want to give anything away, but I'll just say that it almost made me feel bad for her. Almost.

I don't know about you, but one of my favorite parts of Cinderella are all her little animal friends that help her out throughout the movie. Now, the mice in the new movie aren't quite as cool because they can't talk, and they didn't incorporate ALL of the little friends she had in the movie because, lets face it, that would just be too much work to have all those little CGI mice running around, but they put in just enough to do them justice.

Speaking of CGI, the effects in this movie are what truly made it magical. My favorite one was, of course, Cinderella's dress transformation.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the full transformation, but you get the idea. The dress almost seems to transform into this vapor or mist that slowly formulate into a true, classic Cinderella dress, for the most part. This is a perfect example of Disney magic that would make Walt Disney himself incredibly proud, as the original transformation from the 1950 movie was his favorite piece of animation while he was alive.

If you remember from the original story, the prince never really had a name. He was a nice, good-looking prince and that's all he was there for. In the new adaptation however, we see so many more layers to him and even his family. We see that he genuinely cares about what's going on and he takes initiative himself and actually interacts more with the story. We are also given a "name" of sorts. Now, its not his actual name, but it's more of a nickname that we can use to identify him. The name is "Kit" and he says it is a name that his father calls him when he's in a good mood basically, and that is how Cinderella identifies him throughout the movie.

While they did do an amazing adaptation of the story, there were a couple things I would like to have seen in the movie. I was mainly disappointed that they didn't incorporate any of the original music into the movie. I think they had so many amazing things they could've done with the music that they missed out on. Even the most famous song, "Bippity Boppity Boo", was not even mentioned at all, other than when The Fairy Godmother casts her spells.

Despite this though, I still LOVED this movie. I could barely contain my fangirling sitting in the theater. They made it almost seem like a totally different story that was absolutely wonderful, while still staying true to the Disney magic that we all know and love. This movie made me fall in love with Cinderella all over again, and I could only hope that you feel the same. :)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

"There has been an awakening...Have you felt it?"

There is no way to start this blog without a simple introduction of the newest addition to perhaps the most timeless movie series in all of history:

Yes, my friends, it is what you think it is: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. All you Star Wars fans (since y'all apparently don't have a fandom name, which is rather depressing) have to be completely elated. I know I am, and I'm not even a hard-core fan. 

Unfortunately, the Star Wars franchise had done a very good job of preserving the secrecy of the story from the audience, so I don't have much to go off of. However, as always, there are plenty of rumors and speculation. Now, as for which ones are true, I cannot tell you for certain. But here we go!

Director J.J. Abrams is getting the band back together, mostly. The most important is none other than Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

Everyone knows that you can't have Star Wars without Harrison Ford, though he did have us a little worried when he broke his leg on set on June 12, 2014, but he was back on his feet, kind of, as he had a hands-free leg crutch, just a few weeks later. Not only do we have harrison Ford making a comeback, but we also have Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Leia), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), and Kenny Baker (R2-D2). So yes, R2-D2 and C3PO are also making a come back, so you have no reason to worry. 

According to, the Star Wars franchise has also confirmed that the plot will take place 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, since it does include a majority of the original cast. I don't know about you, but I think it would be more than a little awkward to continue with the same actors, in the same time period as it was 30 years ago. Just saying. 

Moving on, it is also rumored that there will be a Darth Vader appearance of some sort, but no one seems to know for sure. It is entirely possible that he could make some sort of cameo, maybe as a Force ghost or simply a flashback, but I would bet on some sort of come back. It would make sense that he be a part of the movie in some way, considering that, as we all know, he IS Luke's father, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Also, you'd think that if they're going to give Darth Vader an appearance in the movies, they would have to give an appearance to the character that is his strongest rival for the face of the franchise: Yoda. He is arguably the most adored character in the entire franchise, so one could only hope that he will make some sort of cameo. Maybe the directors will take Yoda's advice and not just try, but actually do it (Do or do not, there is no try).

And last, but most definitely not least, Disney has negotiated a deal with Lucas film for another trilogy. So that means that we're going to have, not only Episode VII, but also episodes VIII and IX! I mean, it makes sense, because of you're continuing on the series, you might as well do it right and keep the tradition of the trilogy going. VIII and IX are supposed to continue to follow Luke as the main character, but there have been even fewer details released about these films. I know that December 18 seems so far away, but it will be well worth the wait to experience the wonderful worlds of Star Wars all over again :)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"Do you ever look at someone and wonder, 'What's going on inside their head?'"

Disney has taken us to amazing, magical places that we could never imagine. Both real places, such as The Great Barrier Reef, Paradise Falls, and colonial Jamestown, as well as fictional and mythical places, like Atlantis, Agrabah, and San Fransokyo. But the one place they haven't gone yet is inside the human mind–until now:

A synopsis on the film was released by Disney in 2014:
"Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it's no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions – Joy (Amy Poehler), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), Disgust (Mindy Kaling) and Sadness (Phyllis Smith). The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley's mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley's main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school."

The new Disney-Pixar movie Inside Out not only goes places we've never been before, but also has actors you wouldn't normally associate with a film like this, like Amy Poehler and Bill Hader. These are two very successful comedy actors, both with their roots in SNL, so you wouldn't expect them to be in a film like this one. However, I do enjoy both of these actors and I am excited to see what they bring to the movie.

I think many of us can relate to the emotions and situations that Riley is dealing with: new city, new house, new school. These things can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time. We can choose how we'll react to these situations and we will get to go on an adventure with the emotions that control Riley's reactions. 

There are five main emotions represented in the movie: Joy, her primary emotion, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness. There are obviously far more sub categories of these emotions, but for simplicity, there are only five for the movie, and I think they did a good job of picking and designing them. The colors they chose for the characters fit them perfectly. They are the colors we all associate with those emotions and they come together to make a beautiful array of color. One of my favorite things about the characters is their design particularly, the way they really distinguish Joy by giving her a glow with the most variety of bright, fun colors. I actually find anger quite hilarious. He is this angry little red dude whose head catches on fire when he gets upset. The best part about him is in one of the teaser trailers. The other emotions pester him until he breaks and when he does and his head catches on fire, they proceed to roast marshmallows over his head (see gif below). Now that's ingenuity right there if I may say so.

The release date for this one is just around the corner, compared to the others–June 19, 2015–and I look forward to going to see it. Now, I have to get on with the rest of my day, but I hope y'all enjoyed this weeks blog and I hope to see you next week!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney

There are two addresses that we memorized as children: our home address, and the address of the dentist from Finding Nemo. As we got older, we found out that this was indeed a real place, and made an addition to our bucket list. We have also learned from Finding Nemo that fish are friends, not food; clownfish live in anemones, and despite their name, they're really not that funny; the language of whale, including the dialect of humpback; the tops of jelly fish, in fact, don't sting you; fish can be H2O inolerant; and the important life lesson that when things get tough, you just keep swimming. In the spirit of this wonderful childhood memory, I present to you:

Yes, my friends. Let the many feels of childhood flood over you (pun intended). Ellen Degeneres announced on her show on April 2, 2013 that there would FINALLY be a sequel, and that it would be called Finding Dory. 

In Finding Nemo, we know next to nothing about Dory and her past, but this sequel intends to change that. Finding Dory, according to and, is set primarily at the California Marine Biology Institute, but it all starts with one of Nemo's school field trips that brings up childhood memories that leads Dory on a journey over 8,000 miles. When she finally reached her destination, she meets her long lost family members, such as her Father Charlie, and her Mother Jenny. Here, Dory discovers things about herself and the past that she never could've imagined.

Now, the original release date for Finding Dory was November 25, 2015, however, the Pixar executives decided to revise their ending after viewing Blackfish, which is a documentary that shows the reality of the sea park industry and how these animals are treated. Though we have already waited this long and, I don't know about you, but I don't want to wait any longer, they're at least noble in their reasoning. They chose to do this in an effort to raise awareness for these animals and put a stop to their abuse.

On a happier note, I am looking forward to seeing what the
writers come up with for Dory's background. As I said before, we knew basically nothing about Dory before she met Marlin and Nemo, due to her severe short-term memory loss, which we also know nothing about. I'm hoping we learn not only about how she came to be this way, but also how she ended up living her life wandering aimlessly around with exactly no one to claim her for so long, along with the countless other questions we've all had about this mysterious Dory all these years.

12 years we've been waiting for this movie, and I'm afraid it will end up being 13 by the time we finally get to go on another journey with our favorite fish friends, but it will be well worth the wait.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Not Your Average Disney Princess

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear "Disney Princesses"? The go-to would probably be Cinderella, Belle, or Ariel. Maybe even Snow White or Aurora (a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty).

Those are all the "classic" princess stories that every little girl wants to hear of young girls finding their one true love and living happily ever after. But Disney has slowly been stepping away from this cliché story, and more toward the independent, hard-working, self-sufficient young woman. We first see this with Belle, then continue to see it grow with every new Disney princess, like Mulan and Merida, that have come along since. Now we are about to see it again with Disney's new incoming princess: Moana

Moana was announced in October of 2014. This announcement included concept art (as seen on the left), the release date of November 23, 2016, and the plot line: "In the ancient South Pacific world of Oceania 2,000 years ago, 14-year-old Moana, a born navigator, sets sail in search of a fabled island. During her incredible journey, she teams up with her hero, the legendary demigod Maui, to traverse the open ocean on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous sea creatures, breathtaking underworlds, and ancient folklore." (source:

There is no official cast yet, but we do know that Maui will be voiced by Dwayne Johnson, which I think is a good fit. When you think of Dwayne Johnson, you think of a big, strong, muscle man, and he has the voice to match. I'm very interested in seeing what he will bring to the table.

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited for this new movie. With the way the princesses have been evolving over the years, I am looking forward to see what new aspects they are going to bring to this film. We have been seeing a much larger representation of minority groups in recent years, which is quite exciting. I am actually very eager to see this movie in particular because, if you couldn't tell by my title and my cover photo. I LOVE Lilo and Stitch, and ever since then, I have been waiting for them to come out with a new Hawaiian/Polynesian movie. Not only that, but I absolutely love Polynesian culture. I have been to Hawai'i about 13 times in my life so it's like my second home. Basically, if I were to live somewhere else, that would be one of my top choices. But anyway, as I said, I love the culture and all the legends of the many gods and goddesses of the Polynesian islands, so to me, the idea of two of my favorite things in the world coming together fills me with overwhelming anticipation.

(more Moana concept art)

Well, I hope you all have enjoyed my little fangirling session. Somewhat needless to say, I know what I'll be doing on November 23, 2016, and on that day, there will be plenty more fangirling, I can assure you of that. :)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Sequel We've All Been Waiting For...

Lucius: Honey? 
Honey: What? 
Lucius: Where's my super suit? 
Honey: What? 
Lucius: Where. is. my. super. SUIT? 
Honey: I, uh, put it away. 
[helicopter explodes outside]
Lucius: WHERE? 
Honey: Why do you need to know? 
Lucius: I need it! 
[Lucius rummages through another room in his condo]
Honey: Uh-uh! Don't you think about running off doing no daring-do. We've been planning this dinner for two months! 
Lucius: The public is in danger! 
Honey: My evening's in danger! 
Lucius: You tell me where my suit is, woman! We are talking about the greater good! 
Honey: "Greater good?" I am your WIFE! I'm the greatest good you are EVER gonna get!
(Source: IMDb)

We all remember this scene from Disney-Pixar's Incredibles, though this instant classic is not what I'm here to talk about today. I, my friends, have a wonderful announcement:

It has been a long time coming. We all knew after the end scene of Incredibles back in 2004 that there was going to be a sequel. The Underminer, dramatically coming out of the ground with his gigantic drill mobile and announcing his declaration of "war against peace and happiness!" Cheesy, but enough to get us going.

The whole family puts on their masks, preparing for battle! We even see little baby Jack-Jack with his own mask on. We already got a taste of Jack-Jack's powers in the scene where Syndrome tries to kidnap him and make him his apprentice. This all goes down hill when Jack-Jack decides he's not up for that and proceeds to spontaneously combust, turn into solid metal, then transform into a demon baby, all in a matter of 10 seconds.

There has been no official plot or anything released, but there are a few ideas and speculation out there. For example, "It has been 5 years since the events of the first film, and the world is at peacetime. This is almost entirely due to the resurgance of superheroes in the world, especially the greatest superhero duo Dash and Violet Parr. Bob and Helen fight crime from time to time, but dedicate most of their time to raising their son Jack-Jack. Jack-Jack is a 6 year old rebel. He has been trying to control his powers, he is an outcast at school because he still can't control his superpowers. His mother and father overprotect him for fear that another villain will come and kidnap him the way Syndrome did 5 years ago. Jack-Jack soon discovers that he can only control his powers when he is angry and villanous. A rising, unknown villain seen only in shadows has noticed this and takes Jack-Jack in as his apprentice. However, Jack-Jack's first task is to kill the Incredibles." (source: I particularly enjoy this plot idea because I think it correlates quite well with the powers that Jack-Jack has, as they are slightly unusual for a villain, especially all three for one villain.

Overall, in case you couldn't tell, I am very interested and excited to see what the writers and directors are going to do with a character as complex as Jack-Jack. I believe that the dynamic of his powers, and especially the family relation, would make Jack-Jack one of the most difficult villains any superhero would have to face, though his youth and inexperience could easily challenge this potential advantage. I would hope, of course, that the writers would find a way for him to redeem himself, which I'm sure they would, because it would be sad if he did fulfill his quest. That's only my opinion though. We'll just have to wait to find out when the movie is released in a couple years. Until then, we're all left with is speculation.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

What's On Deck For Marvel?

One of the biggest, most anticipated films in the Disney domain right now is in the Marvel universe. On October 22nd, 2014, Marvel released the first teaser trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron. On the first of this year, they released the second teaser trailer and on January 12th, 2015, the first full trailer was released.

The thing that I think we’ve all been wondering though is about how they are going to bring the characters back. How will these characters have changed because of the way their individual movies ended, particularly Ironman 3 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier?

At the end of Ironman 3, Tony no longer has the arc reactor in his chest and he destroyed all of thesuits he created. I’m not going to lie to you, it did break my heart more than a little bit when he removed the arc reactor because it felt like it made him less Ironman than he was before. There really is no way to make him any less him, no matter what he does. So when I saw the new giant suit in the trailer, I was pretty pumped. That’s not saying too much though I suppose because it doesn’t take too much to get me pumped about any of my fandoms, especially Marvel.

Moving on to Captain America, our beloved Steve is battered, broken, and bruised after his fighting scene with Bucky, a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, loosing his shield (or so we think), and falling out of the plane to what appears to be certain death, but we all know that that simply wouldn’t happen. Just when all hope seems lost, we see Bucky pulling Steve out of the water onto dry land, giving us the slightest bit of encouragement that Bucky isn’t all gone and that he does truly remember Steve and still cares about him.

I don’t know about you, but for me, May 1st can’t come fast enough. The amount of fangirling that has been shared and that is to be shared with my friends is immense and it will be beautiful. There’s nothing like going to the theater to see a movie that you’ve been looking forward to for so long. Then when it’s over, you feel complete and broken and blissful and yet dismal because it’s ended and now you have to look for something else to look forward to, all at the same time. Nevertheless, it’s worth it all the same because it’s an experience you get the pleasure of sharing with friends and family and even strangers.  All of who have a love and respect for the actors and directors and everything that went into creation this masterpiece that brings so many together.