Sunday, March 1, 2015

"There has been an awakening...Have you felt it?"

There is no way to start this blog without a simple introduction of the newest addition to perhaps the most timeless movie series in all of history:

Yes, my friends, it is what you think it is: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. All you Star Wars fans (since y'all apparently don't have a fandom name, which is rather depressing) have to be completely elated. I know I am, and I'm not even a hard-core fan. 

Unfortunately, the Star Wars franchise had done a very good job of preserving the secrecy of the story from the audience, so I don't have much to go off of. However, as always, there are plenty of rumors and speculation. Now, as for which ones are true, I cannot tell you for certain. But here we go!

Director J.J. Abrams is getting the band back together, mostly. The most important is none other than Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

Everyone knows that you can't have Star Wars without Harrison Ford, though he did have us a little worried when he broke his leg on set on June 12, 2014, but he was back on his feet, kind of, as he had a hands-free leg crutch, just a few weeks later. Not only do we have harrison Ford making a comeback, but we also have Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Leia), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), and Kenny Baker (R2-D2). So yes, R2-D2 and C3PO are also making a come back, so you have no reason to worry. 

According to, the Star Wars franchise has also confirmed that the plot will take place 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, since it does include a majority of the original cast. I don't know about you, but I think it would be more than a little awkward to continue with the same actors, in the same time period as it was 30 years ago. Just saying. 

Moving on, it is also rumored that there will be a Darth Vader appearance of some sort, but no one seems to know for sure. It is entirely possible that he could make some sort of cameo, maybe as a Force ghost or simply a flashback, but I would bet on some sort of come back. It would make sense that he be a part of the movie in some way, considering that, as we all know, he IS Luke's father, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Also, you'd think that if they're going to give Darth Vader an appearance in the movies, they would have to give an appearance to the character that is his strongest rival for the face of the franchise: Yoda. He is arguably the most adored character in the entire franchise, so one could only hope that he will make some sort of cameo. Maybe the directors will take Yoda's advice and not just try, but actually do it (Do or do not, there is no try).

And last, but most definitely not least, Disney has negotiated a deal with Lucas film for another trilogy. So that means that we're going to have, not only Episode VII, but also episodes VIII and IX! I mean, it makes sense, because of you're continuing on the series, you might as well do it right and keep the tradition of the trilogy going. VIII and IX are supposed to continue to follow Luke as the main character, but there have been even fewer details released about these films. I know that December 18 seems so far away, but it will be well worth the wait to experience the wonderful worlds of Star Wars all over again :)

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your blogs! you make them so fun and the subject you right about is always interesting. I cannot wait for the star wars movie! although i am not a fanatic star wars fan, i can't wait to see the film. Like you said everyone is keeping everything under wraps, but the speculations you put forth were plausible and exciting. plus i love your pictures they are so perfect for what you are writing about. Great job, keep up the awesome work!
