Sunday, March 15, 2015

Do You Believe In Magic?

Alright. I'm doing something a little different this week so I hope y'all like it :)

Now if you didn't already know, two days ago, Friday March 13 (I know. So scary), the new live action Cinderella movie came out.

So naturally, I went to see it last night so that I could tell you guys all about it, with as little spoilers as possible, of course. And let me just say, it was magical. 

I must say, I don't think they could've picked a better cast. We have Lily James, who you may remember for her role as Korrina in Wrath of the Titans, as Cinderella, Richard Madden, from Game of Thrones, as The Prince, none other than Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother, who is best know for her role in Harry Potter as Bellatrix LeStrange and also her MANY roles in various Tim Burton movies, and last, and certainly not least, the wonderful Cate Blanchett as the Stepmother. And in case you don't remember who she is, here you go. I guarantee you do. 

In my opinion, they couldn't have picked a better person to play the Stepmother. Not only does she have the perfect look, she also has that cold grace and elegance and is the perfect embodiment of the Stepmother. Now, in the original movie, the Stepmother appears to be nothing but a cold hearted gold digger, which to some extent she still is, but the new movie adds an element to her that I don't think any of us expected. I don't want to give anything away, but I'll just say that it almost made me feel bad for her. Almost.

I don't know about you, but one of my favorite parts of Cinderella are all her little animal friends that help her out throughout the movie. Now, the mice in the new movie aren't quite as cool because they can't talk, and they didn't incorporate ALL of the little friends she had in the movie because, lets face it, that would just be too much work to have all those little CGI mice running around, but they put in just enough to do them justice.

Speaking of CGI, the effects in this movie are what truly made it magical. My favorite one was, of course, Cinderella's dress transformation.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the full transformation, but you get the idea. The dress almost seems to transform into this vapor or mist that slowly formulate into a true, classic Cinderella dress, for the most part. This is a perfect example of Disney magic that would make Walt Disney himself incredibly proud, as the original transformation from the 1950 movie was his favorite piece of animation while he was alive.

If you remember from the original story, the prince never really had a name. He was a nice, good-looking prince and that's all he was there for. In the new adaptation however, we see so many more layers to him and even his family. We see that he genuinely cares about what's going on and he takes initiative himself and actually interacts more with the story. We are also given a "name" of sorts. Now, its not his actual name, but it's more of a nickname that we can use to identify him. The name is "Kit" and he says it is a name that his father calls him when he's in a good mood basically, and that is how Cinderella identifies him throughout the movie.

While they did do an amazing adaptation of the story, there were a couple things I would like to have seen in the movie. I was mainly disappointed that they didn't incorporate any of the original music into the movie. I think they had so many amazing things they could've done with the music that they missed out on. Even the most famous song, "Bippity Boppity Boo", was not even mentioned at all, other than when The Fairy Godmother casts her spells.

Despite this though, I still LOVED this movie. I could barely contain my fangirling sitting in the theater. They made it almost seem like a totally different story that was absolutely wonderful, while still staying true to the Disney magic that we all know and love. This movie made me fall in love with Cinderella all over again, and I could only hope that you feel the same. :)


  1. Hey Shannon, I thought it was really cool that you did an review on the Cinderella movie without giving your readers too much information. I also liked how you compared the similarities and differences between the movie and the disney movie. Overall you used very descriptive details to describe the characters and you did a great job.

  2. Nice work! I loved your inclusion of the different images. The way you described them really helped to bring it to life. You did a great job of giving just a teaser of the film, not giving anything away but making us want more. The comparison between the new and old films was heart-warming. You did the movie proud. Fantastic job.

  3. Great biog! i think you utilized the pictures and gifs/vines wonderfully! I was on the fence wither i wanted to see this movie or not, thinking that they would butcher the story that i grew up with and loved, but because of your blog i have became a believer. this blog is a complete success, and i am deeply thankful that you didn't spoil anything. fabulous use of words, loved every bit of your blog. well done :)
