Saturday, February 14, 2015

P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney

There are two addresses that we memorized as children: our home address, and the address of the dentist from Finding Nemo. As we got older, we found out that this was indeed a real place, and made an addition to our bucket list. We have also learned from Finding Nemo that fish are friends, not food; clownfish live in anemones, and despite their name, they're really not that funny; the language of whale, including the dialect of humpback; the tops of jelly fish, in fact, don't sting you; fish can be H2O inolerant; and the important life lesson that when things get tough, you just keep swimming. In the spirit of this wonderful childhood memory, I present to you:

Yes, my friends. Let the many feels of childhood flood over you (pun intended). Ellen Degeneres announced on her show on April 2, 2013 that there would FINALLY be a sequel, and that it would be called Finding Dory. 

In Finding Nemo, we know next to nothing about Dory and her past, but this sequel intends to change that. Finding Dory, according to and, is set primarily at the California Marine Biology Institute, but it all starts with one of Nemo's school field trips that brings up childhood memories that leads Dory on a journey over 8,000 miles. When she finally reached her destination, she meets her long lost family members, such as her Father Charlie, and her Mother Jenny. Here, Dory discovers things about herself and the past that she never could've imagined.

Now, the original release date for Finding Dory was November 25, 2015, however, the Pixar executives decided to revise their ending after viewing Blackfish, which is a documentary that shows the reality of the sea park industry and how these animals are treated. Though we have already waited this long and, I don't know about you, but I don't want to wait any longer, they're at least noble in their reasoning. They chose to do this in an effort to raise awareness for these animals and put a stop to their abuse.

On a happier note, I am looking forward to seeing what the
writers come up with for Dory's background. As I said before, we knew basically nothing about Dory before she met Marlin and Nemo, due to her severe short-term memory loss, which we also know nothing about. I'm hoping we learn not only about how she came to be this way, but also how she ended up living her life wandering aimlessly around with exactly no one to claim her for so long, along with the countless other questions we've all had about this mysterious Dory all these years.

12 years we've been waiting for this movie, and I'm afraid it will end up being 13 by the time we finally get to go on another journey with our favorite fish friends, but it will be well worth the wait.


  1. YAY! I'm so excited to see Finding Dory!
    Anyway, I liked this blog. It was simple, fun and bubbly (punny...I know) The pictures are engaging and fun to look at, while also making it even more of a reality that this amazing sequel is actually coming out soon! Your thesis paragraph is creative and entertaining and gets us readers on the edge of our seats. Good job!:)

  2. Your blog makes me so happy, everything about it is fun! You did a great job making the reader excited for Finding Dory. for so many of us finding Nemo was a movie we watched as children, it has a nostalgic air about it. Well done tapping into the readers feelings, it made me want to see the movie even more. You always do a fantastic job at having bright vivid pictures which draw in the reader. I love how your blog flows, it has a very natural, easy going flow to it which fits the topic to a T. I love you blog so so much! everything about it is perfect, i will totally read your blog again! fabulous job!
