Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Sequel We've All Been Waiting For...

Lucius: Honey? 
Honey: What? 
Lucius: Where's my super suit? 
Honey: What? 
Lucius: Where. is. my. super. SUIT? 
Honey: I, uh, put it away. 
[helicopter explodes outside]
Lucius: WHERE? 
Honey: Why do you need to know? 
Lucius: I need it! 
[Lucius rummages through another room in his condo]
Honey: Uh-uh! Don't you think about running off doing no daring-do. We've been planning this dinner for two months! 
Lucius: The public is in danger! 
Honey: My evening's in danger! 
Lucius: You tell me where my suit is, woman! We are talking about the greater good! 
Honey: "Greater good?" I am your WIFE! I'm the greatest good you are EVER gonna get!
(Source: IMDb)

We all remember this scene from Disney-Pixar's Incredibles, though this instant classic is not what I'm here to talk about today. I, my friends, have a wonderful announcement:

It has been a long time coming. We all knew after the end scene of Incredibles back in 2004 that there was going to be a sequel. The Underminer, dramatically coming out of the ground with his gigantic drill mobile and announcing his declaration of "war against peace and happiness!" Cheesy, but enough to get us going.

The whole family puts on their masks, preparing for battle! We even see little baby Jack-Jack with his own mask on. We already got a taste of Jack-Jack's powers in the scene where Syndrome tries to kidnap him and make him his apprentice. This all goes down hill when Jack-Jack decides he's not up for that and proceeds to spontaneously combust, turn into solid metal, then transform into a demon baby, all in a matter of 10 seconds.

There has been no official plot or anything released, but there are a few ideas and speculation out there. For example, "It has been 5 years since the events of the first film, and the world is at peacetime. This is almost entirely due to the resurgance of superheroes in the world, especially the greatest superhero duo Dash and Violet Parr. Bob and Helen fight crime from time to time, but dedicate most of their time to raising their son Jack-Jack. Jack-Jack is a 6 year old rebel. He has been trying to control his powers, he is an outcast at school because he still can't control his superpowers. His mother and father overprotect him for fear that another villain will come and kidnap him the way Syndrome did 5 years ago. Jack-Jack soon discovers that he can only control his powers when he is angry and villanous. A rising, unknown villain seen only in shadows has noticed this and takes Jack-Jack in as his apprentice. However, Jack-Jack's first task is to kill the Incredibles." (source: I particularly enjoy this plot idea because I think it correlates quite well with the powers that Jack-Jack has, as they are slightly unusual for a villain, especially all three for one villain.

Overall, in case you couldn't tell, I am very interested and excited to see what the writers and directors are going to do with a character as complex as Jack-Jack. I believe that the dynamic of his powers, and especially the family relation, would make Jack-Jack one of the most difficult villains any superhero would have to face, though his youth and inexperience could easily challenge this potential advantage. I would hope, of course, that the writers would find a way for him to redeem himself, which I'm sure they would, because it would be sad if he did fulfill his quest. That's only my opinion though. We'll just have to wait to find out when the movie is released in a couple years. Until then, we're all left with is speculation.


  1. I really liked this! I liked how you "teased" your readers by telling them a little bit about The Incredibles 2, without giving away the whole plot, or any important parts! This made them curious, which drew them in to reading more of your blog. You had a very effective "hook," using a well-known and loved clip from that movie. It made me want to keep reading! Overall, good job!:)

    ~Maddie Cortese

  2. I really enjoyed your blog! I liked how you used lines from the movie to start it! I also enjoyed the gifs! I thought your information was very eye catching and it kept me interested the whole time! I liked it a lot also because i love Disney movies. Good Job!
