Sunday, February 8, 2015

Not Your Average Disney Princess

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear "Disney Princesses"? The go-to would probably be Cinderella, Belle, or Ariel. Maybe even Snow White or Aurora (a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty).

Those are all the "classic" princess stories that every little girl wants to hear of young girls finding their one true love and living happily ever after. But Disney has slowly been stepping away from this cliché story, and more toward the independent, hard-working, self-sufficient young woman. We first see this with Belle, then continue to see it grow with every new Disney princess, like Mulan and Merida, that have come along since. Now we are about to see it again with Disney's new incoming princess: Moana

Moana was announced in October of 2014. This announcement included concept art (as seen on the left), the release date of November 23, 2016, and the plot line: "In the ancient South Pacific world of Oceania 2,000 years ago, 14-year-old Moana, a born navigator, sets sail in search of a fabled island. During her incredible journey, she teams up with her hero, the legendary demigod Maui, to traverse the open ocean on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous sea creatures, breathtaking underworlds, and ancient folklore." (source:

There is no official cast yet, but we do know that Maui will be voiced by Dwayne Johnson, which I think is a good fit. When you think of Dwayne Johnson, you think of a big, strong, muscle man, and he has the voice to match. I'm very interested in seeing what he will bring to the table.

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited for this new movie. With the way the princesses have been evolving over the years, I am looking forward to see what new aspects they are going to bring to this film. We have been seeing a much larger representation of minority groups in recent years, which is quite exciting. I am actually very eager to see this movie in particular because, if you couldn't tell by my title and my cover photo. I LOVE Lilo and Stitch, and ever since then, I have been waiting for them to come out with a new Hawaiian/Polynesian movie. Not only that, but I absolutely love Polynesian culture. I have been to Hawai'i about 13 times in my life so it's like my second home. Basically, if I were to live somewhere else, that would be one of my top choices. But anyway, as I said, I love the culture and all the legends of the many gods and goddesses of the Polynesian islands, so to me, the idea of two of my favorite things in the world coming together fills me with overwhelming anticipation.

(more Moana concept art)

Well, I hope you all have enjoyed my little fangirling session. Somewhat needless to say, I know what I'll be doing on November 23, 2016, and on that day, there will be plenty more fangirling, I can assure you of that. :)


  1. I really enjoyed this post! I had heard something about Moana a while back and it's good to now have more information and details about it thanks to this blog! I found it very interesting and I am also excited for this movie to come out! I like how you started the post with a good hook. Nice job!
    -Christina Arthur

  2. I loved this blog post. i honestly didn't know that a new Disney princess movie was coming out and i was really excited to hear about that. you did a fantastic job at balancing the a synopsis and adding in a personal aspect to the post. well done. the pictures are vivid, your blog is absolutely adorable ( i had never seen it before) and your syntax is natural and easy to read. everything is perfect, even you font choice adds to the theme of your blog. once again fantastic job, can't wait to read it again!
    ~Magdalen Rath

  3. Besides hearing the name of the movie I had yet to hear any other info on it. You chose a great topic that I am sure everyone is interested in. You also did an amazing job of reeling in the reader and keeping there attention. I loved the way you told the synopsis of the story and added a bit of the culture behind it as well. Great work adding the personal touch to the story and sharing your sentiments about why everyone should want to see this movie. You made me as excited to see it as you are! Keep up the good work.
