Sunday, January 25, 2015

What's On Deck For Marvel?

One of the biggest, most anticipated films in the Disney domain right now is in the Marvel universe. On October 22nd, 2014, Marvel released the first teaser trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron. On the first of this year, they released the second teaser trailer and on January 12th, 2015, the first full trailer was released.

The thing that I think we’ve all been wondering though is about how they are going to bring the characters back. How will these characters have changed because of the way their individual movies ended, particularly Ironman 3 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier?

At the end of Ironman 3, Tony no longer has the arc reactor in his chest and he destroyed all of thesuits he created. I’m not going to lie to you, it did break my heart more than a little bit when he removed the arc reactor because it felt like it made him less Ironman than he was before. There really is no way to make him any less him, no matter what he does. So when I saw the new giant suit in the trailer, I was pretty pumped. That’s not saying too much though I suppose because it doesn’t take too much to get me pumped about any of my fandoms, especially Marvel.

Moving on to Captain America, our beloved Steve is battered, broken, and bruised after his fighting scene with Bucky, a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, loosing his shield (or so we think), and falling out of the plane to what appears to be certain death, but we all know that that simply wouldn’t happen. Just when all hope seems lost, we see Bucky pulling Steve out of the water onto dry land, giving us the slightest bit of encouragement that Bucky isn’t all gone and that he does truly remember Steve and still cares about him.

I don’t know about you, but for me, May 1st can’t come fast enough. The amount of fangirling that has been shared and that is to be shared with my friends is immense and it will be beautiful. There’s nothing like going to the theater to see a movie that you’ve been looking forward to for so long. Then when it’s over, you feel complete and broken and blissful and yet dismal because it’s ended and now you have to look for something else to look forward to, all at the same time. Nevertheless, it’s worth it all the same because it’s an experience you get the pleasure of sharing with friends and family and even strangers.  All of who have a love and respect for the actors and directors and everything that went into creation this masterpiece that brings so many together.